An equal world where all girls can thrive

Anna Segall, Chief Executive, World Association of Girl Guide & Girl Scouts

 IWD 2023

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGS) launched Compass 2032 - the new vision statement for the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement.

This vision is as bold as it is bright. It is of an equal world where all girls can thrive.

Imagine for a second, what that world would be like.

At WAGGGS we are actively building this world.

We are aiming to become a movement where every and any girl feels confident to lead.

We are creating empowering spaces – where girls are free from judgement and violence – where they learn to make a mark on the world.

This can only be possible if we learn to #EmbraceEquity.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing. We are helping girls fight for a world where they can live free from violence.

We are enabling girls to call out discrimination and draw attention to bias.

And we are helping raise generations of girls with the confidence to live their lives how they decide.

Our role is to give girls and young women the knowledge, tools and confidence to realise this equal world where all girls can thrive.

And we know that with the right support and resourcing this isn’t an unrealistic vision.

I’m immensely proud to belong to this global Movement of 152 Member Organisations that’s powered by hundreds of thousands of dedicated female volunteers who are serving many millions more.

I am also hugely grateful to all those that have chosen to support us as the official Charity of Choice for International Women’s Day. Learn more here.

Read the interview with Anna Segall discussing how WAGGGS is tackling gender-based issues and ensuring a better, more equal world for girls and young women. "To me embracing equity doesn’t just mean treating everybody the same, it means everybody should have the same chances to be successful in whatever areas of life they want to work in or contribute to," comments Anna. 

Learn more ab out the IWD WAGGGS fundraising collaboration.

Thank you for choosing to invest in girls.






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