International Women's Day is the biggest women-focused fundraising day of the year

Across the world, many charitable organizations work to support and advance women and girls. To support this important work, these organizations require much-needed funding. International Women's Day (IWD) provides an important opportunity to elevate visibility of these organizations and their work, and to support them through fundraising activity and donations.

Amplifying women-focused fundraising worldwide

For many years, International Women's Day (IWD) has incorporated a worldwide fundraising focus. To date, the largest single unrestricted donation secured through the IWD website for a registered charity was a hefty six-figure sum, with 100% of funds paid directly from donor to the charity.

For IWD 2025, we're on a mission to actively encourage all IWD events to incorporate an element of fundraising for women-focused charitable organizations. 

2025 sees expansion of the IWD Giving Program

IWD Giving - fundraising

The IWD website provides an important hub for elevating IWD Giving on March 8 and maximizing year-long fundraising. As such, work is underway to deliver an extended IWD Giving Program for 2025 and beyond to support even more charitable organizations worldwide.

Wide-scale consultation and a comprehensive survey process is currently underway with over 20,000 charitable organizations worldwide. The aim is for the IWD 2025 Giving Program to offer a far greater number of charitable organizations for IWD Event managers and Corporate Philanthropy to select from and support. Charitable organizations not yet approached through the consultation process are openly invited to get in touch as soon as possible should they wish to participate.

IWD Giving supports charitable organizations

Considerable funds have been raised for a range of charitable organizations to date.

"We're grateful for our long-standing partnership with International Women’s Day that provides us with significant funding to help girls achieve their fullest potential, driving change on important issues of gender equality, in their communities and the world.”
- Imogen Fitzpatrick, Head of Strategic Partnerships, World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts

Help forge women's equality through donating to a registered charitable organization that works for the advancement of women and girls. 

Donating to these groups means addressing inequality and helping to support their important work. There are many commendable charitable groups worldwide. 

"The IWD Charity Alliance is a huge success for Nomi Network, both in funds raised and exposure to new supporters. Subsequently, we've secured multiple new monthly donors and additional organizations, and we're potentially collaborating with a global company on a large-scale employee giving campaign. We're beyond thankful for IWD's promotion of Nomi Network and look forward to our continued work towards empowering women to reach their full potential." 

IWD generates significant fund-raising

Here is a further example below of collective fundraising achieved for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for IWD back in 2022. Donations were generated through collective fundraising from many generous donors, yet the largest single donation secured through the IWD website to date for a charity has been far in excess of this amount. 

IWD Giving remains such a key element of activity on and around March 8.

IWD giving


Donate to IWD Charities of Choice

IWD 2025 will see a far more extensive range of women-focused charitable organizations for IWD Event Managers and Corporate Philanthropy to select from regarding their IWD activity, so stay tuned for more details!

In the meantime, learn about some of the charitable organizations IWD has been supporting over the years.


World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest international youth movement dedicated to girls and young women, supporting over 8.9 million girls across 153 countries and is an IWD Charity of Choice since 2007. Learn more here.


Catalyst is a global nonprofit working with companies around the world to build workplaces that work for women. They're a trusted resource for knowledge on gender, leadership and inclusive talent management and is an IWD Charity of Choice since 2017. 


Support the IWD Charity Alliance

Part of the ethos of IWD is to "Support the Supporters".

In addition to fundraising for local grassroots groups, please consider supporting the work of these internationally-orientated women-focused charities.

IWD 2025 will see an expanded and extensive selection of women-focused charitable organizations worldwide to select from as recipients of IWD fundraising. 


Nomi Network helps combat human trafficking by creating pathways to safe employment and empowering women and girls to break cycles of slavery in their families and communities.


Dress for Success empowers women across the world to achieve economic independence via a network of support, professional attire, and tools to help women thrive in work and life. Consider donating an hour of pay to empower a woman to change her future via Your Hour Her Power.


Womankind Worldwide supports women's rights organizations and movements to secure equal rights for women and girls, so they can live without fear of violence, have a say in decisions that impact them, and control their own life.


IWD cause-related marketing

International Women's Day provides a useful opportunity for groups worldwide to participate in cause-related marketing, a mutually beneficial collaboration between a for-profit and non-profit designed to promote sales while providing important fundraising and visibility for a cause.

Before engaging in cause-related marketing, it's important to:

  • research and identify relevant charities to ensure a mutual synergy and reputational alignment
  • contact the charity directly to learn about guidelines and processes for cause-related marketing
  • understand using a charity's brand or logo requires prior permission and agreement
  • be transparent about what portion of a sale goes direct to charity post any administrative fee

How do you donate your IWD fundraising efforts?

Let us know how you're fundraising for the IWD Charity Alliance or for further women-focused charitable organizations worldwide.

See some brilliant examples below.

IWD donation

Revesby Workers’ Club in Sydney Australia donated their IWD fundraising efforts to Biyani House, part of the Women’s Community Shelter’s Network that provides short-term emergency accommodation and support in a safe environment for homeless women to rebuild self-esteem and achieve control and fulfillment of their lives.

IWD fundraising donate

Home of fine Italian dining, Ristorante Antipasti in Maryland USA, generously donated funds from its International Womens Day luncheon to the Home of the Brave Foundation that helps veterans successfully transition into permanent housing and personal independence through assistance with employment, counseling services, access to healthcare, and transportation.

#IWDgiving charity donate

Tamworth Family Support Service (TFSS) was humbled to receive a generous donation from Joblink Plus in Australia towards its Home Interaction Program for Parents & Youngsters (HIPPY), a two-year home-based support program for children aged between four and five.  

Consider many further charitable organizations to donate to directly

IWD provides a critical moment to step forward and donate to groups supporting women and girls. 

To explore institutional or corporate giving to a registered women-focused charitable organization as part of your IWD efforts, please get in touch to discuss your objectives. 


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