IWD Gallery

In 2022, collectively we worked to #BreakTheBias

Thank you to over 10,000 women's equality advocates who sent in their image to amplify the cause. Below are some of those advocates.

Naomi Chabeya Mzembe

Naomi Chabeya Mzembe, Malawi

Santos (Friendship Bridge)

Santos (Friendship Bridge), Guatemala

Christine Hebert-Dodier

Christine Hebert-Dodier, Canada

Oluremi Johnson

Oluremi Johnson, Nigeria

Rotary Women (District 9705)

Rotary Women (District 9705), Australia

Goodness Richard

Goodness Richard, Nigeria

Sherryn Russell & daughters

Sherryn Russell & daughters, United Kingdom

Webcor Group

Webcor Group, United Arab Emirates

Ajit Yohannan & daughter Rhea

Ajit Yohannan & daughter Rhea, India

Soroptimitist Int

Soroptimitist Int'l (Hills District), Australia

Dawn Callahan

Dawn Callahan, United States

Malazidah Binti Musa

Malazidah Binti Musa, Malaysia

Suzanne Doyle

Suzanne Doyle, United Kingdom

Jackline Chris

Jackline Chris, Tanzania

UCB colleagues

UCB colleagues, United States

Alusine Bangura

Alusine Bangura, Sierra Leone

Elena (Friendship Bridge)

Elena (Friendship Bridge), Guatemala

Wanda Abreu & Kerry Hull

Wanda Abreu & Kerry Hull, United States

Punam Chandel

Punam Chandel, India

Pueyen Lee

Pueyen Lee, Japan

Jepchirchir Chemweno

Jepchirchir Chemweno, Kenya

Natalie Patterson

Natalie Patterson, United States

Priyanka Anand Sheoran

Priyanka Anand Sheoran, Canada

Cody Grech

Cody Grech, United States


View the 2021 Gallery

See some of the women's equality advocates from 2021 who showed their solidarity to help #ChooseToChallenge. Over 6,000 advocates submitted their images of solidarity in 2021.

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