Clarissa Cappelletti

A former investment bank director has turned world explorer for the group adventure travel company, WeRoad

"I went from pencil skirts and court shoes, to backpacks and hiking boots"

Clarissa Cappelletti, 31, left the corporate world to join WeRoad, a travel tech start up in June 2023.

There she acts as UK Country Manager and she is responsible for the success of WeRoad in the UK travel market. Her roles spreads across strategy, sales, offering and customer care.

Clarissa said: "At school I was pretty good at maths and as such a career in finance seemed the right thing to do at that time.

"I have always been an avid traveller and was able to live in Milan, California and London during my studies.  

"By 2016 I was working for an investment bank.

"I got really lucky during my corporate career and always had very supportive managers that gave me good opportunity for progression and was able to get promoted in a very timely manner. I stayed with the bank for almost six years and the learning were endless - I met individuals with very high profiles, hosted panels and events and got promoted to Executive Director just as I was turning 30.

"I have always been very grateful for the opportunities I was given and of what I have been able to achieve - on top of that the fact I was able to afford to travel often was the escapism I needed from the high pressure work life.

Then when a holiday with a friend was cancelled in February 2022, Clarissa looked into options for travelling solo and discovered  WeRoad. This trip eventually was the start of a life change for Clarissa.

She said: "In March 2022 everything changed for me, I had the experience of a lifetime headind to Costa Rica with WeRoad  and loved it.

"The Travel Coordinator who was leading the trip encouraged me to apply to be a Travel Coordinatoe myself so I could lead future trips for others.

"I recorded a video while I was still in Costa Rica to start the application process and was eventually selected.

"In the summer 2022 I led trips to Slovenia and Jordan."

"In February 2023 a couple of friends in the company told me that the WeRoad Head Office were looking for a UK Country Manager and I thought 'I might give it a go as I've got nothing to lose!'.

"When the offer came through I was shocked, it felt like a sign to make a passion (travel) my job.'

Clarissa was given the role of UK Country Manager and she is responsible for strategy, sales, offering and customer care in the UK.

She added: "I believe you can't ignore when life sends you a sign.

"It definitely feels terrifying at times but I've never been so excited to go to work in the morning.

"There is so much life out there to be lived and the opportunity to work in the travel industry was an opportunity I couldn't miss for my self development and life experiences.

"As a super keen traveller and a travel coordinator myself, I want to ensure that all people that travel with us have the experience of a lifetime while creating new connection with the people they are travelling with. More than half of our travellers are females and they join our trips to escape the ordinary, forget about the stress and pressure at home and push themselves outside their comfort zone. Giving them the opportunity to experience all this is what motivates me everyday in my job."

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