The IWD 2019 Photography Competition

 May 14, 2019

Congratulations to the Highly Commended photographers

With over 51,200 entries received in the International Women's Day Photgraphy Competition, the standard was simply exceptional. Photographers worldwide jumped at the chance to showcase their work that celebrated and highlighted the diversity of women.

A big thank you to photographic community EyeEm who kindly collaborate on the IWD Photography Competition and provide the IWD Image Collection. 

Congratulations to IWD 2019 Photography Winner - Dina Alfasi

Read more about Dina's fabulous work and her inspiration.

IWD Photography Competition - Dina Alfasi

© Photograph: Dina Alfasi / EyeEm

Congratulations to the Highly Commended entries

Below are the fabulous finalist photographs that are Highly Commended. Enjoy!

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Valerio Gualandi / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Andreja / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Andreaa / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition

© Photograph: Brogues C-M  / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Hanna Postova / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Lucho Chavez / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Voelle / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Suratman Alimuddin / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Paolo Sousa / EyeEm

IWD Photography Competition
© Photograph: Dominik / EyeEm 
© Photograph: EyEofOsiDaReal1 / EyeEm 

Visit the EyeEm webite to see these photographers.

Stay tuned for details about the IWD 2020 Photography Competition. And in the meantime, let's all keep celebrating brilliant photography that serves to challenge stereotypes and that forges more balanced mindsets about women's equality.

Keep snapping!


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