AXA Business Services' IWD campaign video significantly engaged its employees

 July 23, 2019

IWD Best Practice Winners

AXA Business Services in India has an exceptional way of engaging and unifying their employees.

For this company, International Women's Day provides an important and positive opportunity to draw together the hearts and minds of their people while helping to forge inclusive mindsets. So it's not surprising that "fostering an environment that nurtures gender diversity by providing equal opportunities to all" is a top priority for AXA - and this objective is seamlessly integrated into its strategy at a global level as they work continuously to foster diversity and equality at work.

A powerful and meaningful IWD video to engage their people

Using film to communicate AXA Business Services’ gender equality efforts, their International Women's Day video addresses the outcome from its gender parity efforts and captures the engagement of AXA Business Services’ collaborative employee voice. The video is a testimonial of how equality has impacted careers and inspired the company to make key changes to its hiring, promoting and rewarding policies to enable the organization to create a Balance for Better.

AXA Business Services reached out to colleagues to understand how its Diversity & Inclusion initiatives and policies have made a difference to their career and to show solidarity with forging a "Balance for Better". The interview base comprised of a cross-section of employees including senior leaders, men and women colleagues, freshers and tenured employees.

"Balance for Better" was not only the central theme of AXA Business Services’ wider campaign, but also the title of its video as well as the topic for their IWD panel discussion. In the video, employees struck the "Balance for Better" pose to show solidarity to the cause, with the hashtag #BalanceforBetter for all external campaigns.

Gender balance at the core 

Prior to the company's adoption and support of the IWD 2019 "Balance for Better" campaign theme, they launched a multi-initiative led gender parity program back in 2018 under the IWD ‘Press for Progress’ campiagn theme. It looked at addressing challenges faced by women at work and beyond, and involved participation from employees from across all levels. Gender balance is at the core of what AXA Business Services stands for so the company is is making strategic interventions to ensure all employees have access to the same opportunities to develop their career, that there is fairness in its practices, equal representation in senior leadership hiring, and that there is minimal unconscious bias at the workplace.

The employee testimonials in the video showcase how AXA Business Services' former pledge to #PressforProgress has translated into a #BalanceforBetter. It is a recap of the impact of their different initiatives that fostered a progressive and inclusive workplace. AXA Business Services urged employees to transform this momentum into action, to empower women in all settings, rural and urban, and celebrate the activists who are working relentlessly to claim women’s rights and realize their full potential. The uniqueness of the video lies in the fact that it has been captured entirely from the employees’ point-of-view. 

Understanding gender parity is a business imperative

AXA women's day

AXA Business Services understands gender parity and equal representation in the workplace is not just a women's issue, but a business imperative and essential for thriving economies and communities. On International Women’s Day AXA Business Services called attention to the urgent need for gender-balanced boardrooms, a gender-balanced government, a gender balance of employees and more gender balance in wealth, among other things. It carried out various engagement activities through the week of IWD to raise awareness about gender inclusiveness and promote a culture of equality.

Signing the UN Women's Empowerment Principles

At a Group level, AXA signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles extending its support to the 7 principles for advancing equality between women and men.

A documentary about female socio-economic challenges

Aligned with the global plan, AXA Business Services screened a documentary film titled Women and Men by Frédérique Bedos. The movie highlights the various economic and social challenges women face across the world. It was a great channel to drive awareness on gender equality issues that goes beyond work. It also added a fun element to the entire experience by serving popcorn during the movie screening which had over 320 people attending the screening sessions.

A talk led by a medical expert on Women's Health

AXA Business Services also organised a talk session led by a medical expert on Women’s Health. This engaging discussion provided an open platform for women to clarify their doubts regarding women specific health issues and understand how lifestyle changes can help improve health conditions.

Group Partners share thoughts on diversity and inclusion

For its internal campaign, AXA Business Services also involved its Group Partners to share their thoughts on diversity and inclusion with employees. This cross cultural dialogue with partners was done through the medium of a panel discussion where members of the leadership team at AXA Business Services and leaders from the global team came together to discuss the various challenges and best practices to foster a gender diverse and inclusive workforce. They addressed key topics such as breaking the glass ceiling, overcoming unconscious bias, career break and more.

AXA iwd

A recruitment drive to engage female talent outside AXA

On March 8, AXA Business Services also hosted a special recruitment drive to reach out to and meet with women talent outside the organization. This targeted recruitment drive was not only aimed at promoting gender diversity within the organization but also to reach out to the larger community and provide a platform for potential women talent to grow in their careers.

Reforming its hiring, promotion and rewarding strategies

International Womens Day

AXA Business Services has taken a look at how it has reformed its hiring strategy that now makes it mandatory to have an equally balanced candidate pipeline before closing any position. Similarly, AXA Business Services has also strengthened its promotion and rewarding strategy.

So, very impressive action indeed from AXA Business Services as they continue to forge an important #BalanceforBetter both inside and outside their company.

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