Inspiring International Women's Day rap forges hopeful future for women
August 05, 2019

For International Women's Day, Janet Tarasofsky, created a powerful rap inspired by the time she was fired while pregnant.
Janet is the Founder of Speaking Rights, an organisation that trains leaders to challenge the norm through strategic conversations and aims to develop strong leaders who don’t fear confrontation.
For equality, for better business, for a better world
"Being fired due to my pregnancy was one of the hardest times of my life. As a single mother I was left feeling petrified. But the IWD rap is not meant to be a sad song, it is meant to inspire women of all generations while creating a bit of attitude. Rap is a perfect way to vent for clarity and vent for progress. It’s fun and empowering for both men women, and most importantly it helps us all to normalise inevitable daily conflict - this is my ultimate purpose," explains Janet.
"The genre of music chosen – rap - was an alternative choice due to the fact that I’m the opposite of what comes to mind when you think 'rapper' The song is meant to appeal to both older and younger women and men who care about equality. Rap is a very relevant medium to address the issues of the world today," she adds.
Educating women to pursue careers with confidence
Alongside the video, Janet regularly speaks to1000s of people at conferences that promote equality, inclusive leadership and better communication skills. Her vision is to help as many women as possible reach high level executive positions with confidence.
Known as one of the most provocative speakers on using conversations for development, Janet is known as both a Conversational Strategist and a Motivational Rapper.
She was a single mother for 11 years and is a massive women’s rights advocate.
Over a number of years and having lived in 6 different countries, not only has Janet spoken in over 25 cities, she has helped countless people overcome their fear of conflict through her inspirational message.
"This IWD rap helped me to evolve – and to laugh lots," she says with a big smile.

Reference: 14324