International Women's Day Best Practice Hall of Fame

 October 23, 2019

Congratulations to the many groups worldwide who have tenaciously delivered exemplary activity supporting International Women's Day.

From significant awareness raising and audience engagement, to impressive activity and resources, to tirelessly forging greater equality for women - these entities have demonstrated leading practice actively supporting the International Women's Day campaign theme and ethos. The entities have all been IWD Best Practice Winners for their category.

From large to small entities, these groups are applauded for their strong and continuous commitment to women's equality.


~ International Women's Day Best Practice ~


  • 1809 Hub
  • Afghanaid
  • Al-Nahda Society for Women
  • Audrey McGuckin
  • Australian Cricket
  • AXA
  • Biffa
  • Boston Scientific
  • BPW Joondalup Network
  • British Army
  • Camp America
  • Canadian Forces Base Borden
  • Cheshire Constabulary
  • CNN
  • Dell
  • Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan
  • DWF
  • Eastman
  • Enhance
  • Fidelity
  • Give Girls a Chance 
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Glassbox
  • Griffith Food
  • GTB
  • HCL Technologies
  • High Commission of Canada
  • IBM Systems Lab Services
  • Jacobs
  • JLL
  • Jungle Creations
  • Kabianga University
  • Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce
  • Kate Davies
  • KCGM
  • KUTX 98.9 Radio
  • Lady Eleanor Holles School
  • Leicester University
  • Lochaber Women's Aid
  • Marsh McLennan
  • MSD
  • Newcomer Women’s Services 
  • NHS Digital
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Oakhill
  • Omnicom
  • Peel Regional Police
  • Photobox Group
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Raymond James
  • Rivers Learning Project Community
  • Santander
  • SEDA College Sports High School
  • Serco
  • Siegel + Gale
  • Simmons & Simmons
  • Siroptomist International
  • South East Local Learning & Employment
  • Southwire
  • Speaking Rights
  • Sutherland
  • Sydney Swans & GWS Giants
  • Town Hall Symphony Hall
  • University of Derby Union of Students
  • University of Glasgow
  • Windsor & Slough Labour Party
  • Wirral Council
  • Women Political Leaders
  • Women’s Higher Education Network

Read the Best Practice case studies and be inspired

Looking for inspiration and guidance for your own International Women's Day events and activity? Read the IWD Best Practice Case Studies for loads of brilliant ideas, examples and resources.

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